Ministry of Communications and Informatics (KOMINFO) Jobs: Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) Recruitment Formation 2024
According to Law Number 39 of 2008 concerning the State Ministry, the Ministry of Communications and Informatics is an apparatus of the Government of the Republic of Indonesia that handles matters whose scope is stated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, namely information and communication.
The Ministry of Communications and Informatics has the task of organizing government affairs in the field of communication and informatics to assist the President in organizing state government. The Ministry of Communications and Informatics is led by a Minister of Communications and Informatics (Menkominfo) who since July 17, 2023 has been held by Budi Arie Setiadi. And for the first time, the President of the Republic of Indonesia appointed the Deputy Minister of Communications and Informatics (Wamenkominfo) who since July 17, 2023 has been held by Nezar Patria.
The National Civil Service Agency (BKN) Jobs: Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) Recruitment Schedule 2024
BKN is designated as a non-departmental government institution that is directly under and responsible to the President, has the function of perfecting, maintaining and developing state administration in the field of personnel so that the smooth running of government is achieved.
To be able to carry out its functions, BKN has the following duties:
- Planning personnel development in accordance with the President's policies;
- Planning laws and regulations in the field of personnel;
- Organizing personnel administration and pension administration;
- Organizing supervision, coordination and guidance on the implementation of laws and regulations in the field of personnel and pensions in departments and state institutions / Non-departmental Government Institutions.
Ministry of Defense (KEMHAN) Jobs: Civil Servant Candidate (CPNS) Recruitment Formation 2024
The Ministry of Defense, hereinafter referred to as Kemhan, is an implementing element of the government led by the Minister of Defense, hereinafter referred to as Menhan, who is positioned under and responsible to the President.
The Ministry of Defense has the task of organizing defense affairs in government to assist the President in organizing the government of the country.
In carrying out the tasks as referred to, the Ministry of Defense carries out the following functions:
- Formulation, determination, and implementation of policies in the field of defense strategy, defense planning, defense potential, and defense strength;
Bank Mandiri Taspen Jobs: Financial Crime Transaction Analyst Officer | Culture and Environment Internship
The change of Bank Sinar Harapan Bali name to be Bank Mandiri Taspen Pos (Bank Mantap) is not just a name change, but affirming our service commitment to the public and our stakeholders as well as to all Indonesian people. The name change also followed by a renewed commitment to improve performance and provide meaningful benefits to all Bank Mantap stakeholders. Bank Mandiri Taspen Pos continues to grow and consistently takes its first steps toward achieving the vision and mission as part of the financial industry which is scattered in serving nationwide customers.
Bank Mantap track record with stakes by 3 State Owned Enterprises (BUMN) with specialized competence at each business, PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk, PT TASPEN (Persero) and PT Pos Indonesia (Persero) will give momentum of sustained growth for the Bank.
Bank BTPN Jobs: 4 Positions
Bank BTPN, a member of SMBC Group is a full-line commercial bank that offers a comprehensive range of banking services in both the wholesale and retail sectors.
The merger of BTPN and SMBCI to form Bank BTPN represents a unique and an ideal combination of two complementary banks.
With its new vision to be Indonesia’s most preferred bank which makes a meaningful difference in the lives of millions powered by digital technology, Bank BTPN is a bigger and stronger bank that contributes more to Indonesia's economy.
Bank Mandiri Jobs: Banking Staff
Bank Mandiri was established on 2 October 1998, as part of the bank restructuring program of the Government of Indonesia. In July 1999, four state-owned banks - Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Exim and Bapindo - were amalgamated into Bank Mandiri. The history of these four banks can be traced back to over 140 years, and together they had contributed to the beginning of the Indonesian banking sector. Bank Mandiri as a friend of the nation represents a concept of services offered by the largest bank in Indonesia; with products and services in hand, the Bank is capable of inspiring, working and growing together as well as providing support to the whole society.
Adhering to the principles of good corporate governance, during the year 2015 Bank Mandiri did not only manage to carry out its business plan, make progress and record business growth, but it also made significant contributions to improving the welfare of the society. Bank Mandiri is committed to consistently be a friend of the nation by undertaking work in national development to achieve the future goal of bringing on a better Indonesia.