National Search and Rescue Agency (BASARNAS) Jobs: Civil Servant Recruitment 2024

Logo BASARNASThe birth of the SAR organization in Indonesia, currently called Badan Nasional Pencarian dan Pertolongan, began with the mention of a "Black Area" for a country that did not have a SAR organization. Armed with independence, in 1950 Indonesia became a member of the international aviation organization ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization). Since then, Indonesia has been expected to be able to handle aviation and shipping disasters that occur in Indonesia. As a logical consequence of Indonesia's entry into ICAO, the government stipulated Government Regulation Number 5 of 1955 concerning the Establishment of the Aviation Council to form a SAR committee. The technical committee has the main task of forming the Joint SAR Agency, determining regional centers and budgets and materials. As an independent country, in 1959 Indonesia became a member of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). With Indonesia's entry as a member of ICAO and IMO, the duties and responsibilities of SAR have received increasing attention. As a large country with a high spirit of mutual cooperation, the Indonesian nation wants to realize the hopes of the international world, namely being able to handle aviation and shipping disasters.
From the experiences above, the idea arose that it was necessary to establish a National SAR organization that coordinated all SAR activities under one command. To anticipate these SAR tasks, in 1968 the Minister of Transportation Decree Number T.20/I/2-4 was issued concerning the establishment of the Jakarta Local SAR Team, the formation of which was handed over to the Directorate of Air Transportation. This team eventually became the embryo of the National SAR organization in Indonesia which was formed later.
The National Search and Rescue Agency (Indonesian: Badan Nasional Pencarian dan Pertolongan, lit. 'Search and Rescue National Agency'; formerly named Badan SAR Nasional, both abbreviated Basarnas) is a government agency of Indonesia that specialize in search and rescue activity in Indonesia. Its head office is in Kemayoran, Central Jakarta, Jakarta.
According to presidential decree No. 99/2007 regarding National Search and Rescue Agency Republic of Indonesia, Basarnas primary to task are to assist president in implementation of search and rescue activity in Indonesia.
The Basarnas functions are as follows:
  • Formulation of national and general policies in search and rescue;
  • Formulation of technical policies in search and rescue;
  • Policy coordination, planning and program development in search and rescue;
  • Guidance, deployment, oversee search and rescue resources;
  • Implementation of search and rescue;
  • Implementation of initial operation of search and rescue;
  • Coordinating search and rescue resources in search and rescue operation;
  • Training and human resource development in the field of search and rescue;
  • Research and development in the field of search and rescue;
  • Information management and communication in the field of search and rescue;
  • Implementing relation and cooperation in the field of search and rescue;
  • Management of state assets / property within Basarnas;
  • Guidance and general administration servicesin the field of search and rescue;
  • Supervise over Basarnas' task and activity;
  • Provide report, suggestion and consideration in the field of search and rescue;
Based on the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform Republic Indonesia Decree Number 293 of 2024 concerning Determination of the Need for Civil Servant within the Government Agencies for Fiscal Year 2024, the National Search and Rescue Agency Republic of Indonesia will opens opportunities for Indonesian citizens who meet the requirements to participate in the selection of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) with following terms:

Recruitment Schedule

  • Recruitment Announcement: 19 August - 3 September 2024
  • Registration: 20 August - 6 September 2024
  • Administrative Screening: 20 August - 13 September 2024
  • Administrative Screening Results Announcement: 14 - 17 September 2024
  • Confirmation of Use the 2023 Basic Test (SKD CPNS) Score by the Applicant: 14 - 28 September 2024
  • Rebuttal Filing Period: 18-20 September 2024
  • Rebuttal Response Period: 18-22 September 2024
  • Post-Rebuttal Announcement: 21-27 September 2024
  • Withdrawal of Basic Test (SKD CPNS) Final Data: 29 September - 1 October 2024
  • Basic Test (SKD CPNS) Scheduling: 2 - 8 October 2024
  • Announcement of Basic Test (SKD CPNS) Participant List, Schedule, and Venue: 9 - 15 October 2024
  • Basic Test (SKD CPNS): 16 October - 14 November 2024
  • Basic Test (SKD CPNS) Score Processing: 23 October - 16 November 2024
  • Basic Test (SKD CPNS) Result Announcement: 17 - 19 November 2024
  • Field Test (SKB CPNS) Non CAT: 20 November - 17 December 2024
  • Mapping Field Test (SKB CPNS) with CAT Location: 20 - 22 November 2024
  • Selection of Field Test (SKB CPNS) with CAT Location by Applicant: 23 - 25 November 2024
  • Withdrawal of Field Test (SKB CPNS) Final Data: 26 - 28 November 2024
  • Field Test (SKB CPNS) with CAT Scheduling: 29 November - 3 December 2024
  • Announcement of Field Test (SKB CPNS) with CAT Participant List, Schedule, and Venue: 4 - 8 December 2024
  • Field Test (SKB CPNS): 9 - 20 December 2024
  • Integration SKD and SKB Scores: 17 December 2024 - 4 January 2025
  • CPNS Recruitment Graduation Announcement: 5 - 12 January 2025
  • Rebuttal Filing Period: 13 - 15 January 2025
  • Rebuttal Response Period: 13 - 19 January 2025
  • Post-Rebuttal Score Processing: 15 - 20 January 2025
  • Post-Rebuttal CPNS Recruitment Graduation Announcement: 16 - 22 January 2025
  • DRH NIP CPNS Fill-in: 23 January - 21 February 2024
  • Proposal for NIP CPNS Determination: 22 February - 23 March 2024

Recruitment Formation



Should you are interested with these positions and meet the qualifications required kindly register to link below on 20 August - 6 September 2024.
Beware of scam!. Recruitment Committee never impose any fee in this recruitment process.
PS: Translated from Bahasa Indonesia.
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