Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KEMENKUMHAM) Jobs: CPNS and PPPK Recruitment Formation 2024

Logo KemenkumhamThe Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic Indonesia (abbreviated as Kemenkumham RI) is a ministry within the Government of Indonesia that handles legal and human rights affair. The Ministry of Law and Human Rights is under and responsible to the President. The Ministry of Law and Human Rights is led by a Minister who since October 27, 2014 has been held by Yasonna Laoly. Kemenkumham has changed its name several times, namely: "Department of Justice" (1945-1999), "Department of Law and Legislation" (1999-2001), "Department of Justice and Human Rights" (2001-2004), "Department of Law and Human Rights" (2004-2009), and "Ministry of Law and Human Rights" (2009-present).
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights was first established on August 19, 1945 under the name Department of Justice. The first Minister of Justice to serve was Soepomo. The Ministry of Law and Human Rights during the Dutch colonial era was called the Department of Van Justitie, namely based on the Herdeland Yudie Staatblad No. 576 regulation.
In the 1945 PPKI session, the Ministry of Justice was determined in the state structure according to the Constitution. The Constitution mentioned that the departments including the Ministry of Justice are those that handle courts, prisons, prosecutors and etc. In the PPKI session, a determination was also made regarding the main tasks of the scope of the Department of Justice, although in brief it still refers to the Herdeland Yudie Staatblad No. 576 regulation.
The Regional Office (Kanwil) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights is a vertical agency of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights which is located in each province, which is under and responsible to the Minister of Law and Human Rights. The Regional Office consists of several divisions and a number of Technical Implementation Units (UPT), including the Immigration Office, Correctional Institution (Lapas), Open Prison, Narcotics Prison, State Detention Center (Rutan), Detention Center Branch, State Confiscated Goods Storage House (Rupbasan), Correctional Center (Bapas), Inheritance Center (BHP), and Immigration Detention Center (Rudenim).
The Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic Indonesia through the Human Resources Bureau of the Secretariat General of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights opens career opportunities for the nation's best candidates through the 2024 State Civil Apparatus Candidate Recruitment (CASN). This year's recruitment is for CPNS (Civil Servant Candidates) and PPPK (Government Employees with Employment Agreement).
New personnel are needed to strengthen the services of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights throughout Indonesia. The formations available for the 2024 Ministry of Law and Human Rights CASN are listed below.

Ministry of Law and Human Rights CASN Recruitment Formation 2024

Government Employees with Employment Agreement (PPPK)

  • Penata Layanan Operasional
  • Pengelola Layanan Operasional
  • Operator Layanan Operasional
  • Pengelola Umum Operasional

Civil Servant Candidates (CPNS)

Formasi Khusus SMA Sederajat

  • Penjaga Tahanan
  • Pemeriksa Keimigrasian

Diploma IV / Bachelor's Degree

  • Kurator Keperdataan Ahli Pertama
  • Perancang Peraturan Perundang-undangan Ahli Pertama
  • Analis SDM Aparatur Ahli Pertama
  • Pemeriksa Paten Ahli Pertama
  • Pemeriksa Desain Industri Ahli Pertama
  • Analis Hukum Ahli Pertama
  • Pranata Komputer Ahli Pertama
  • Analis Kebijakan Ahli Pertama
  • Auditor Ahli Pertama
  • Penerjemah Ahli Pertama
  • Dokter Ahli Pertama
  • Dokter Gigi Ahli Pertama
  • Analis Kekayaan Intelektual Ahli Pertama
  • Associate Degree (Diploma 3)
  • Asisten Apoteker Terampil
  • Bidan Terampil
  • Perawat Terampil

Master Degree

  • Widyaiswara Ahli Pertama

Official Info



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