Bank BNI Jobs: Bina BNI Kanwil 16

Bank BNI JobsAs the first bank owned by the Government of Indonesia, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, established in 1946 began its history by serving as the central bank as stipulated in Government Regulation in Lieu of Law No. 2/1946. In 1955, when the Indonesian government established Bank Indonesia as the Central Bank, BNI began operations as a commercial bank. Furthermore, the role of BNI as a bank that was mandated to improve the people’s economy and participate in national development was confirmed by Law No. 17 Year 1968 on Bank Negara Indonesia 1946.
BNI offers fund deposit services and loan facilities to the corporate, small and medium segments. A number of products and services have been adapted to the needs of consumers, whether children, adolescence, adult, and even consumers in their retirement age. By the end of 2015, BNI had total assets of Rp508 trillion and a total of 26,875 employees. BNI operates a wide ranging service network throughout Indonesia, with 1,826 domestic outlets and 6 (six) overseas branches (Singapore, Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, New York, and Seoul). Currently, BNI has 16,071 ATM’s, supported by the “ATM Bersama” network in cooperation with other banks in Indonesia. BNI also serves its customers through 71,000 EDC’s, as well as through Internet banking and SMS banking.
BNI is the best place to contribute, learn and grow to be proud of the nation.
We are hiring:

Bina BNI Kantor Wilayah 16

  • Jayapura

Job Description

  • BINA BNI is one of BNI's programs to build the nation. This program is part of job training and guidance for inexperienced workforce by providing knowledge, skills and abilities which is carried out in an integrated manner between theory-based training and direct practice.

Minimum Qualifications

  • Indonesian citizen
  • Fresh graduate, do not work experience
  • Minimum education from High School (SMA) / Vocational School (SMK) / equivalent up to Bachelor's degree (S1) with the following requirements:
    • The average score on the 5th and 6th semester report cards for High School (SMA) graduate / equivalent is minimum 7
    • Minimum GPA for Diploma 1 graduate to Bachelor's degree minimum 2.50
  • Age 18 to 25 years old
  • Physically and mentally healthy
  • Able to communicate well
  • Never been involved in drug abuse or other law violations, proven by a Police Record Certificate (SKCK)
  • Obtain parental approval to take part in the Bina BNI internship program
  • Not married and willing to not marry during the internship period
  • Willing to be placed in any location
Should you are interested with the position and meet the qualifications required, kindly apply to link below, no later than July 3, 2024.
BNI has never collected any fee in the recruitment process.



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